Dung Beetle on a Roll

Hardback - August 2024 - AU $24.99

eBook - August 2024 - eRetailers

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Follow an intrepid dung beetle on his quest to roll the biggest and best dung ball ever!

Bigger is not always better. Sometimes the smallest of creatures can have the biggest impact … even with dung! + Full description

Explore the fascinating and incredibly important role that tiny dung beetles play in our environment. From pushing dung balls that can weigh up to 50 times more than they do, to recycling nutrients in our soil, these beetles are really quite exceptional!

Written and illustrated by the award-winning Sandra Severgnini, Dung Beetle on a Roll is a delightful encounter with these small but important beetles.

Reading level varies from child to child, but we recommend this book for ages 5 to 9.

- Short description


"Dung Beetle on a Roll offers skilful illustrations and surprising insight into the fascinating world of these small but important beetles."
Karys McEwen, Books + Publishing, 25 June 2024

"Dung Beetle on a Roll includes plenty of fabulous dung beetle facts, and will have young readers keen to look for these creatures in the world around them, and to discover other insect species."
Sarah Steed, Kids' Book Reviews, 2 August 2024

"Stealthily concealed amidst the humour and the completely adorable illustrations is, of course, lots of factual information about fabulous dung beetles and how they help the environment. There is also some terrific information in the backmatter, plus a bonus maze in the end papers"
Sue Warren, Just So Stories, 30 July 2024


Hardback | August 2024 | $ 24.99
ISBN: 9781486318872 | 32 pages | 250 x 250 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour illustrations

ePDF | August 2024
ISBN: 9781486318889
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers

ePUB | August 2024
ISBN: 9781486318896
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers


  • Follow a dung beetle on his quest to make the best dung ball ever.
  • Shows the importance of some of our smallest creatures, who can have a huge impact.
  • Explores the critical role that dung beetles play in our environment.
  • Shares more fabulous facts about dung beetles in the information section at the end.


Main story
Fabulous facts about dung beetles


Sandra Severgnini is an author and illustrator of numerous award-winning books. Her fascination for the amazing world around her inspires her words and brings sensitivity and humour to her illustrations.

For Teachers

We have created these Teacher Notes as a free PDF download to support the use of this book in the classroom.

Teacher Notes (1.24 MB)